Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance is the cornerstone of Zahir Zaman Facilities Management Co. LLC's business and operations framework. Compliance with the principles of good governance starts with the Management Team. The Board is a balanced and diverse group of leaders and is independent and well equipped to carry out its functions as a governance body on behalf of the shareholders. The governance framework for risk is at an Executive and Board Level. At Zahir Zaman Facilities Management Co. LLC, we have chosen a framework that incorporates guidelines recommended by leading international and regional regulators as well as the prudent practices adopted by leading financial institutions.

This comprises of a two tier system of Governance Committees comprising of members drawn from the Management Committee for the first tier and the Management Team as the second tier. This framework ensures that while accountability for decision-making at an operational level remains with functional specialists, executive management engages in cross-functional sharing of knowledge and expertise via these committees in a structured manner. This helps ensure that synergies are identified and efficiencies are optimized when decisions impacting the organization are taken.


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